04 July 2007

Update on Corporate Website Design experiment

I've been keeping an eye on the search engine positioning experiment we started on the 19th June and whilst there's no obvious result for the blog at the moment, a similar experiment I started on the www.wordsun.co.uk website has yielded excellent results.

After making my last post, I decided to try optimising the main website for the phrase 'Corporate Website Design' as well and discovered that by adding the phrase to the title of the page, adding a link to a page called 'Corporate Website Design' which also mentioned the keywords in context and a few other minor nips and tucks, we jumped quite rapidly from position 16 on Google to 8 which puts us firmly on the front page. Even better, if you search for "Corporate Website Design" (with the quotes) we appear at positions 3 and 4!

I've made a few more tweaks to the page to see whether I can get it any higher - I really want to get to number one on Google now. I'll let you know how it goes...

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